Back into cyberspace….


So sorry about the delay, but had a problem with pretty much everything electronic and computer related.  Not being my area of expertise as I am an artist who is much better off with a hammer, nails or a canvas and brush, have to wait to get outside assistance or rely on my better half to fix things..but trust me there are a few times I would like to have swung the hammer at the computer and anyone else in the vicinity of my frustrations.

Anyway, it has been a little bit of a roller coaster since my last post and I wondered about whether or not I would really have the time to commit to being a good blogger.  But I have every intention of being as consistent as possible and eventually hooking up my blog to my website.  I am looking forward sharing photos  of my works in progress and finished pieces.  So once I get into the swing of things and pull every thing together we’ll be right on track to what should be a great blog, full of fun and adventures, wrapped in a few ups and downs, with a few tears of joy and frustrations too.

Tomorrow some photos………

Taking a leap into the unknown…. the blogging world.


So, here I am in front of my computer, thinking to myself how do I start, what do I say?  Who will read it?   Why didn’t I pay more attention in English class, where to put my commas, apostrophes and full stops!   Oh waffle, waffle,will I, won’t I?

Yes I will, and here it goes, the novice blogger dives in….

I am an artist with a passion for painting horses, taking photos and when in need of a sugar fix, I bake, cakes, buns and yummy treats.  With influences like Nigella Lawson and Rachel Allen I am never short of a recipe to suit my needs, however, my indulgences also require me to work out a few days in the gym, but it’s worth every delicious bite.

My artwork, from oil paintings to photography and everything else, I hope to share the journey, story of trials and tribulations, failures and achievements, but mostly pleasure and passion.

Do stay tuned for the next post….